Sunday 8 January 2017

Changes Before The Film

We had to make a few changes before the start of the film as some actors and resources were unavailable. First we had to change our actors as some were ill and it was holding back the recording process. So, we replaced Rhia and Helena with Levi and Mica. As well as this, I decided to not be part of the film. So, that I could help with the camera work. I was replaced with Hammad. Furthermore, the roads were very icy. So,we could not record in the locations we wanted to as it would be dangerous for our actors and ourselves. As well as this, the house scene just didn't seem right as we thought it would be more scary having a car scene. As with the house we had there were many things that were making it less scary like a TV in the living room and furniture which could not be moved. As well as this, on the day we decided to record the house was unavailable. So, considering all of these things we had to make these changes.

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