Wednesday 1 February 2017

Poster First Paper Draft

Before I could create my poster on Photoshop I decided to plan it out on paper as it would it make it easier for me to make knowing what I wanted to make. From my research I found that most horror posters would have a main image, title, credits and sometimes release date.

This poster would have the clown as the main image with the strap line 'We only want to play' 
Furthermore, it would include blood splatters across the poster. As well as this, it would include credits and the film name 'Playtime'

This poster would have a main image of the music box(from the film) with the reflection of the clown within it (concealed). Also it would have 'Based on A true story' and the strapline 'we only want to play' on it. Furthermore, it would have credits and the title of the film 'Playtime'

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