Tuesday 11 April 2017

Film Review Feedback

Using snapchat I sent out my review to my selected audience. My target audience is 15-20 year olds. This age group was selected because they enjoy horror movies for the thrill and they were more likely to go to the cinemas and watch movies. I chose snapchat as the platform to contact them as it very popular amongst my audience. The feedback I received was positive. However, I was told to make a few changes and proof read what I had wrote as there were many mistakes. Furthermore, I received feedback from my teacher which was in a lot depth after carefully considering what she said and what changes need to be made. I decided to change my review from a positive to a negative one as my review just wasn't good enough. I was unable to explore my creativity through a positive review and it wasn't really interesting. However, I knew that if I changed to a negative I would have much more to say and it would have a better tone and better language would be used throughout.

Monday 10 April 2017

Creating The Film Review

Film Review Draft

Images For Horror Review

This image could be used because 3 of the main characters are in the shot. As well as this, the box and phone are in the photo which could engage the audience as they could wonder what the two objects have to do with the film. Furthermore, the camera shot itself is quite good as it makes the friends look powerful but they really aren't as the killer clown is the antagonist. So, it's almost a trick as it makes the audience think they will survive. 

This image could be used because it is an image of the main antagonist. From my research an antagonist is usually on the image used. As well as this, it engages the audience as it is quite frightening.

This image could be used because it has the main antagonist and a main character in the image. Nobody knows what is going to happen therefore, it engages the audience. So, it would be a good image to use. 

This image could be used because again the three characters are in the shot as well as an object of significance which is the balloon. Readers will notice this and realise something is linked with the balloon therefore, it will engage and interest them. However, it doesn't really catch the attention of readers.

This image could be used because it again involves the main antagonist but as well as this, an object of significance. It is a good image because it doesn't show the whole of the antagonist so it will peak the interest of the readers. However, it isn't as eye catching as the other images. 

Film Review - Paper Drafts

From my research these are the two drafts I have come up with. 

Film Reviews: What I Have Learnt

From researching film reviews and horror reviews I have found that:
Many include information like: director, cast, certificates and release date
As well as this, they include an interest curve, and a star rating.
Also, they include a main image which either relates to the antagonist or protagonist.
The written part is usually mostly positive or mostly negative. However, some may be both positive and negative. Furthermore, a brief overview of the plot is given.

I will apply what I have learnt to my review:

Main image will be of a main character within the movie.

Review will contain an overview of the plot and the positive and negative aspects of the movie.

I will include star ratings and information about director etc..

I may include an interest curve

Film Review Analysis